Tips and Strategies

The 5  C's of Marketing
by Brenda Prinzavalli

When you decide to take on a marketing project, or any project for that matter, incorporating any of the 5 C’s will help you with the discipline of staying on task.


There are many components to a project and the ones that get the most attention are the ones in the preparation area. They are important; however, once the project has moved from the preparation period into the implementation or the use phase, there are 5 C’s that are critical to the ongoing success of the project and the results.

Telling someone what you are going to do and asking them to hold you accountable for it will have a direct impact on your actions. Coaching comes in many forms and at many prices, so if you are going to gain the support from a coach, it must match your needs.

This is the time you spend on the project to keep it progressing and generating great results. From how often to how long you spend touching the project components will need to fit into your days and weeks. Putting those actions on your calendar increases the likelihood it will happen.

Having a visual representation of how things are progressing provides you with honest results. Whether you have full metrics or a thermometer on the wall, seeing what is occurring is a great motivator for staying the course.

Again, once the preparation is complete, now the real work begins. Many times the preparation of a project is to set up for a repeated action or a system to do its work. Having a checklist to verify the system process or repeated action will help ensure that the project is working as planned no matter who is managing the various parts of the system.

If you have confidence that the project you are implementing will create incredible results, then the discipline you need to stick to the tasks will be much easier. Success is a given!

How current are your email addresses?
by Brenda Prinzavalli

I found an interesting article about the importance of current email addresses for an email marketing campaign.
In the magazine Practical eCommerce, Ben Chestnut has an article Old Email Addresses Pose Dangers. He states, “Too many bounces tell the ISPs that your list is old, dirty or purchased. So they block you.”


Scared to Make an Offer?
by Brenda Prinzavalli

OK, Richelle is our marketing genius, but it's Brenda here! I just had to share an interesting article.
Richelle describes certain points and strategies in your marketing where you should make offers. She has great information on why and when it is to your advantage as well as a load of success stories from her own experience as well as her clients. This article, Promotional Offers Can Create Prospects, in Practical ECommerce written by Mat Greenfield provides some additional thoughts on making an effective offer and types of offers.

Promotional Offers Article
It is worth a read, but here's some basic info.
Principles of an Effective Offer
1. Qualify the visitor
2.Deliver it at low cost to the merchant.
Types of Offers
Information Offers
Free Trials
Free Giveaways
Interactive Offers

This is the BEST time to get your business organized!
by Brenda Prinzavalli

If you find your business flow is a little slower than usual right now, that means you have been given the gift of some time to implement the organization to your business actions that you’ve been wanting to do for so long, but never seemed to have the time.

Here are 5 things you can do to firm up your business foundation right now.

1) Financial
Are they in order? Are you up to date? There’s nothing more time consuming that recreating the entire year of financial information at tax time. If you need to create a system for the current year, go ahead and make one for next year at the exact same time. When the new year starts, you’ll be ready to go!

2) Customer Data
Is your customer data complete? Do you have a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software Program? Invest the time in bringing all of this critical data current. When it comes time to do holiday greetings, business announcements or a marketing project, you will be glad to have a complete database.

3) Marketing Projects
Have you wanted to implement a marketing strategy that is planned, purposeful and prosperous? Take action on solid planning on your own OR join our Marketing Organized Mastermind group! Contact us for information!

4) Learn something new
If you’ve needed to do some reading, research, technology training or exploring new ideas and concepts related to your business, do it now! It might also be the time to do some personal life enhancing to keep you balanced and stress free. I am taking the opportunity to take a watercolor class! I haven’t had a chance to paint in about 8 years and I am so excited! Once things make a shift and you are back to being swamped, you will know how important it is to be organized enough to integrate these activities on a regular basis so you may reap the rewards of giving yourself a time of learning and growing.

5) Organize!
Do you need to do a purge or round of organizing in your office space? While it doesn’t immediately translate into dollars, it will in the long run. The more organized you are in your space, the more organized you are in your actions. That means greater focus, more productivity and greater results!

Again, take this “breather” moment to make great strides in the organization of your business and the stability of its foundation – you’ll love the results!

Diversity Leads to Stability
By Richelle Shaw

Why are so many businesses having problems? This R (recession) word that keeps popping up... My local Mastermind Members’ businesses are thriving!

Why is that?

The answer is no secret but many business owners forget it. You can not just do one thing. As The Beatles say, One is the lonliest number. Why you say?

Having one way to obtain a new customer, using only one vendor, having one assistant, if you are doing this in your business, this can be disaster. And I would even suggest that the reason why your business is struggling, is because of one these reasons above.
  • Your one vendor raised prices, limiting your profit
  • Your one newspaper ad is not working
  • Your one networking meeting is no longer full and people are not referring
  • Your one big client is not paying on time
  • Your one assistant is fighting with his/her spouse and can not focus

Do you understand the problem with having just one?

Diversity leads to stability! At FreshStart Telephone (my business), when Sprint kept raising our rates, I looked for other products to sell to my clients such as cellular and calling cards using multiple vendors, plus others that were not telecom related.

When my biggest competitor advertised on the same radio station offering more services for less money, I relied on my other 83 ways to bring in a new customer
I made sure that only 10% of my business came from customers who spent more than $1,000 per month so that if they did not pay, I still had the other 90% paying to use as cash flow.
I always had 2 assistants – Rose and Lisa so that if one was sick, I had a backup.

Check your business today to make sure that you are not relying on just ONE of anything!